Walden B/F walks

RChyinski at aol.com RChyinski at aol.com
Wed Jul 1 08:56:17 EDT 2009

There are 2 B/F walks at Walden Preserve in Salem this weekend.
Saturday at 9:00 and Sunday at 10:00.
Walks are open to all, kids are most welcome. Nets will be available.
If weather is bad cancellation notice will be published here.
Walden Preserve is on Hagen Rd. Salem 06420
See: _www.salemlandtrust.org_ (http://www.salemlandtrust.org)   or     
_www.ctbutterfly.org_ (http://www.ctbutterfly.org)   for  directions.
Rich Chyinski
**************It's raining cats and dogs -- Come to PawNation, a place 
where pets rule! (http://www.pawnation.com/?ncid=emlcntnew00000008)
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