3 Little Yellows, Myrtle Beach

Stephen Spector charsjs at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 9 18:08:40 EDT 2010

Steve & Charla Spector -- 9 August 10 -- 3 Little Yellows at Myrtle Beach (next 
to outlet/pond of Nettleton Creek).  Could not get a decent photo.  Best I did 
is a brief video of a Little Yellow nectaring on what we think is Spotted 
Knapweed.  (The video color is off: the butterfly is a bright rich yellow).  
Video is at http://stevesbirds.blogspot.com, a blog mostly devoted to this 
season's Piping Plovers in Milford.
 charsjs at sbcglobal.net 
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