sachems in CT?

Grace Jeschke gjeschke at
Sun Aug 29 11:05:55 EDT 2010

I saw a skipper in West Rock SP yesterday that, having grown up further
south, reminded me immediately of a female Sachem, a late-summer skipper
with a pronounced chevron. Then I noticed the Atlas lists it as an "uncommon
visitor" under "Accidentals and False Records". However, three were noted
last weekend on the Guilford field trip. Are Sachems becoming a more common

What other skippers are flying now? Leonard's has the chevron, but seems
more richly-colored. My skipper was flying low over the recently-mown meadow
near the dam.

Butterflies seemed sparce to my eyes, despite Joe-Pye Weed, NY Ironweed,
asters. The meagre list:
Spicebush Swallowtail (3-4)
Eyed Brown
Pearl Crescent
ET Blue
a few common Pierids
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