CT Butterfly Association Sept Field Trips

Skip Short skipshort at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 30 11:26:32 EDT 2010

The Connecticut Butterfly Association is pleased to announce its September,
2010 Field Trips. 


Attached is a flyer listing these events. The content is also pasted in


1)    Print publications:  We ask you to include our trips in your calendars
of nature and community events.


2)  Libraries and others with bulletin boards:  We ask you to open, print
and post the attachment and pass it along to anyone who might be interested.
And feel free to make additional copies as needed!


You are receiving this mailing because one or more of the activities is in
your area of Connecticut. Please consider that persons interested in field
observation of butterflies and other wildlife are often willing to travel
considerable distances to explore and share lore with like-minded folk.


CBA events are free and open to the public.  For more information about CBA,
visit our website: www.ctbutterfly.org <http://www.ctbutterfly.org/> .




Skip Short

CBA Publicity


Fall 2010 Field Trips


All CBA field trips are free and open to the public.  Wear comfortable
hiking shoes and bring water and sunscreen.


Sunday September 5, 2010, 10 AM  (Rain date Sept. 6)                   Haley
Farms, Groton                    Leader: Richard Chyinski  860-859-1326

Search an abandoned 260 acre farm -- lots of fields and reverting pastures
with shrubby edges. Species seen on past trips include: Ocola Skipper, Fiery
Skipper, Leonard's Skipper, and Cloudless Sulphur. This is one of the best
spots to find late season species. Easy to moderate walking. Wear sturdy
shoes, bring water and sunscreen.


Directions: From I-95 exit 88, go south on Rte. 117 for 1.1 miles, left on
Rte.1 for 1 mile, right on Rte.215 for 0.6 mile, right on Brook St. for 0.5
mile, right on Haley Farm Rd. for 0.1 mile to park entrance.


Saturday September 18, 2010, 9 AM                              Monarchs at
Hammonasset State Park              Leader: Richard Chyinski 860-859-1326


CBA sponsored Monarch tagging at Meigs Point Nature Center, Hammonasset
State Park in Madison. Bring a net and help capture, tag and release Monarch
butterflies to aid in the gathering of data on migration habits and travel
routes. Kids are welcome but must have adult supervision. There will be a
few nets available for those who do not have one.  Park entrance fee may
still be in effect.


Directions:  From the north/east: take I-95 south to Exit 62, then turn left
off the exit. Head south 1 mile down Hammonasset connector, go straight
through the light crossing Rte. 1 (Boston Post Road) into the park. From the
south/west: take I-95 north, Exit 62. Take a right off the exit ramp onto
Hammonasset I-95 connector. Park entrance will be 1 mile ahead. 


Sunday September 26, 8 AM to 3 PM, Rain or Shine
Migration Festival at Lighthouse Point Park, New Haven


Enjoy the butterflies, hawks, and other migrating creatures that pass
through our area every fall. Events include falconry demonstrations by Sky
Hunters in Flight, Monarch tagging, Antique Carousel rides, Lighthouse
tours, and bird walks. A suggested donation of $5.00 per car is requested to
help fund next year's event. Please park in paved parking lots and walk to
the mid-field area for Information, vendors, and events. Children of all
ages are welcome!


The Festival is a cooperative effort of the New Haven Parks, Recreation and
Tree Dept., New Haven Bird Club, CT. Butterfly Association, Audubon CT, CT
Ornithological Association, CT Audubon Society and the New England Hawk


8am - ongoing                          Hawk Watching (mid field viewing


8am to 9:30                               Bird Walk lead by Chris Loscalzo,


8:30am to 11am                        CT Audubon Society -- Bird Banding


9am to 10:00am                        CT Ornithological Association -- Hawk
Flight I.D Workshop


9am to 11:30                             Lighthouse Tours


9:30am to 10:45                        Children's Bird Walk lead by Florence


9:30am to 10:45                        New Haven Bird Club Bird Walk lead by
Mike Horn


9am to 1pm                              Ranger Station Open House, featuring
a Touch-Tank with Long Island Sound creatures


10am to 1pm                             CT Butterfly Association Monarch
Tagging at the Butterfly Garden


11am to 2:30                             Ride the Historic Carousel


11:15 to 12:15                           Wind over Wings - Live Raptor Show


12:30 to 1:30                             Music-Blue Trail Band at the


1pm to 2:00                              Lighthouse Tours


1:30pm to 3:00pm                     Falconry Demonstration -"Skyhunters in



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