SWARTHY Skipper +

semismart9 at aol.com semismart9 at aol.com
Thu Aug 11 13:54:49 EDT 2011

On Thursday, August 11, 2011, Lenny Brown, Greg Hanisek and I went to Stratford Point to look for Swarthy Skippers plus other stuff. We were sucessful in our quest. We found a total of 23 Butterfly species plus several dragonflies. The list is as follows:

Black Swallowtail... 12
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail... 3
Spicebush Swallowtail... 1
Cabbage White... 2
Clouded Sulphur... 2
Orange Sulphur... 15
Gray Hairstreak... 4
Red-banded Hairstreak... 6
Eastern Tailed Blue... 30
Summer Azure... 1
Variegated Fritillary... 1
Pearl Crescent... 1
Anglewing sp... 1
Common Buckeye... 25
Monarch... 15
Silver-spotted Skipper... 1
Common Sootywing... 2

SWARTHY SKIPPER... 2 (Lifer for me, state butterfly for Lenny and Greg)...  if you go looking for this butterfly, stick to the mowed          paths, and concentrate on the Red Clover. That is where we had success. The path closest to the Lighthouse seemed to be the best area.

Peck's Skipper... 9
Tawny-edged Skipper... 20
Northern Broken Dash... 1
Deleware Skipper... 1
Zabulon Skipper... 1

Bill Banks

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