CT Butterfly Association Early-Summer Field Trips

Skip Short skipshort at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 27 13:47:49 EDT 2011

The Connecticut Butterfly Association is pleased to announce its
Early-Summer, 2011 Field Trips. 


Attached is a flyer listing these events. The content is also pasted in


1)    We ask print publications to include our trips in their calendars of
nature and community events.


2)  We ask libraries and others with bulletin boards to open, print and post
the attachment and pass it along to anyone who might be interested.  And
feel free to make additional copies as needed!


You are receiving this mailing because one or more of the activities is in
your area of Connecticut. Please consider that persons interested in field
observation of butterflies and other wildlife are often willing to travel
considerable distances to explore and share lore with like-minded folk.


CBA events are free and open to the public.  For more information about CBA,
visit our website:  <http://www.ctbutterfly.org/> www.ctbutterfly.org.




Skip Short

CBA Publicity

 <mailto:skipshort at sbcglobal.net> skipshort at sbcglobal.net




            Connecticut Butterfly Association



             Mid-Summer 2011 Field Trips

All CBA field trips are free and open to the public.  Wear comfortable
hiking shoes and bring water and sunscreen.


Saturday, July 2, 10 am    -  Lake Chamberlain, Bethany NEW TRIP !!     

Leader: Andy Brand  cell 203-605-8418


This new trip is co-sponsored by the Regional Water Authority. The site is
ordinarily open only to RWA recreation permit holders. We will stroll open
fields and forest edges looking for a wide range of species, including
hairstreaks and skippers. Who knows what may turn up? That's what makes a
new trip exciting. Comfortable hiking shoes, sunscreen, and bug spray


Directions: Take Rt. 69 north towards the Bethany/Woodbridge town line.
Turn left on Morris Rd. and left again on Sperry Rd.  The Lake Chamberlain
Recreation Area parking lot is about 0.1 miles down Sperry Rd. on the right.
Arrive promptly by 10am. The gate will be locked during the walk.


Sunday July 3, 10 AM (Rain date July 4)  -  Walden Preserve, Salem 

Leader. Rich Chyinski 860-859-1326


The milkweed and many other wildflowers will be in full bloom providing easy
viewing of a wide variety of butterflies including many species of
Hairstreaks, Swallowtails, including the Pipevine, and many Skippers.
Milbert's Tortoiseshells, Harvesters and Northern Pearly Eyes have been seen
in the meadows and surrounding woodlands. 
Walden provides easy walking on mowed trails through wild flower meadows in
close proximity to the parking area.


Directions: I-395 to exit 77 (Rte 85). Follow Rt. 85 north and west to Salem
Four Corners (Rte 82 and Rte 85). Continue north on Rte 85 1/2 mile, and
turn left onto Hagen Rd. Parking area is 200 ft on the right.


Saturday July 9, 10 AM  -  Bent-of -the-River, Southbury
Leader: John Himmelman 860-663-3225

This trip is one of our most popular! The variety of habitats always
produces an amazing assortment of species! BOTR is included in the CT
Butterfly Atlas as one of the best butterflying spots in the State. Not to
be missed.

Directions: Take I-84 West, make right off exit 14 ramp. Straight thru light
onto 172 N. Go 1 mile (S. Britain), and turn left onto East Flat Hill Rd.
(between general store and church) . Once you come to river on left, the
drive for BOTR will be on your left (#185). Park in first lot on right.
(84E, left off exit 14 ramp, under highway, straight onto 172N).


Saturday July 16, 10 AM   -  John Flaherty Field Trial Area, East Windsor

Leader: Lenny Brown 203-949-9024


An overlooked hotspot for butterflies! Over 25 species are possible
including the rare Horace's Duskywing. An excellent trip! Wear sturdy
walking shoes, bring water and sunscreen.


Directions: I-91 to exit 44. Go south on Rte. 5 for 1.1 miles. Go left on
Tromley Rd. Go 0.7 miles to entrance on left.

Saturday July 23, 10 AM   -  Macricostas Preserve, Washington  NEW TRIP !!

Leader: Peary Stafford and BK Stafford  860-868-9203


The Macricostas Preserve of the Steep Rock Association in Washington
features dry and wet calcareous meadows that have yielded 62 different
species over the years. In late July, these include Baltimore Checkerspot,
Bronze Copper and Aphrodite Fritillary. Walking will be relatively easy.
Depending on the weather, rubber boots may be appropriate if we decide to
venture into some of the wetter areas. 


Directions: Take Rte 47 north from Washington Depot. At the junction of Rte
202, turn right and then hard left onto Christian St. Turn right just in
front of an old red house. Parking is behind it.  



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