Butterfly sightings-West Rock Ridge ST. Park, New Haven

Epmanshell at aol.com Epmanshell at aol.com
Sat Apr 14 16:30:20 EDT 2012

Early in the afternoon on Saturday, 4/14, I walked the top of the ridge,  
from the southern overlook to tunnel, where I found a total of 8 species of  
butterflies.  The list for the day is as follows:
Black Swallowtail (4) (my first of the year)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (2) (my first of the year)
Cabbage White (4) 
Falcate Orangetip (8) (Including 2 females)
Juniper Hairstreak (5) (my first of the year)
Spring Azure (1)
Cherry Gall Azure (1) (my first of the year)
Mourning Cloak (1)
I was able to confirm that one of the azures was a Cherry Gall Azure  
because it spent extended periods of time sunning itself.  It was a  fresh 
violacea azure, very white below with scattered black markings on  the underside 
of the wings.
There was no sign of the brown margins or patches or even the brownish  
ground color on the underside of the wings that is typically seen on examples 
of  Spring Azure.
Lenny Brown
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