[Ctleps-l] Cedar Hill Cemetery sightings

Roy Zartarian royz at royzartarian.com
Sat Jun 23 14:23:06 EDT 2012

6/23/2012 - Cedar Hill Cemetery (Hartford, Wethersfield, Newington) - more
than 40 people attended the inaugural butterfly walk at this location, and
a total of fifteen species was seen:

Cabbage White
Clouded Sulphur
Orange Sulphur
Eastern Tailed Blue
Summer Azure
Great Spangled Fritillary
Mourning Cloak
Painted Lady
Red Admiral
Little Wood Satyr
Silver-spotted Skipper
Least Skipper
Peck's Skipper
Little Glassywing

Roy Zartarian

PS a net is missing after  being left inadvertently at the staging area
before the departure for the far corner of the cemetery.  If anyone picked
it up for safekeeping, please contact me off list.
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