[Ctleps-l] Walden Preserve butterfly walk

Lenny Brown epmanshell at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 21:02:21 EDT 2015

 Rich Chyinski requested that I post his field notes to the CT Leps list.
They are as follows:

~20 people were at the walk at Walden Preserve in Salem on Sat.
B/F's seen
Spicebush Swallowtail
Clouded and Orange Sulphur
Cabbage White
Great Spangled Fritillary
Amer. Lady
Mourning Cloak
Eastern Tailed Blue
Northern Pearly Eye
Appalachian Brown
Red Admiral
Striped H/S
Common Wood Nymph
Little Wood Satyr
Silver Spotted Skipper
Little Glassywing

Rich Chyinski
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