[Ctleps-l] Naugatuck and Brooksvale Park

Raymond Simpson raymond.simpson at yale.edu
Mon Jul 6 13:18:59 EDT 2015

Hey all,

Took a short break from the hectic grad school schedule to check out the
hairstreak action in the area.  I had never seen Hickory HS so that was my

Brooksvale Park

Coral Hairstreak - 12
Hickory Hairstreak - 3 (saw the blue spot but when I tried to net them off
the milkweed they did the Houdini act and were not in the net)
Banded Hairstreak - 1
ETB - 2
Great Spangled Fritillary - 40+ (around 20 on one orange milkweed plant)
Little Wood Satyr - 4 (the cryptic species?  It's a good month since the
spring brood flew and these were fresh)
Crossline Skipper - 2
Little Glassywing - 20+
Northern Broken Dash - 1
SSS - 1

Naugatuck IP (Sheridan cut, that R road)

Ran into a couple butterfly observers there (Steve and Charla?) and showed
them the Edwards spot.

Cabbage White - 2
Black Swallowtail - 1 female
Acadian Hairstreak - 8 (4 on one milkweed flower!)
Coral Hairstreak - 5
Banded Hairstreak - 5
Hickory Hairstreak - 1? (brief look on milkweed)
Edwards Hairstreak - 3 (all perching in the usual spot)
ETB - 2
American Lady - 2
Great Spangled Fritillary - 5
Common Wood Nymph - 2
Little Wood Satyr - 6
Little Glassywing - 20+
Crossline Skipper - 1
European Skipper - 1
Pecks Skipper - 1
SSS - 1
Southern Cloudywing - 1

Malacosoma spam on the sheet at Mohawk Mtn., but the end of the tent
caterpillar flight heralds the beginning of Catocala season!  Waiting for
the first amica, ilia, or epione.

Ray Simpson
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