[Ctleps-l] Today at Steep Rock

Peary Stafford pearydstafford at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 19:45:44 EDT 2016

While standing in a forest of Indian Hemp today there were two Speyeria
Firitllaries flying around; just about the only butterflies in the area
(the Indian Hemp appearing to be pollinated mostly by bees.)  I checked the
first -- Great Spangled -- and the second -- Aphrodite!  They seemed to
favor the same plants and sometimes fought over the same flowers.  Maybe
they can tell which plants are producing the most nectar?  Fascinating to
In addition:
Eastern TIger Swallowtail
Cabbage WHite
Clouded Sulphur
American Lady
Little Wood-Satyr
Common RInglet
European Skipper -- everywhere!!!
Tawny-edged Skipper -- well-worn and on the way out

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