[Histling-l] excrescence by regular rule?

Geoffrey Nathan geoffnathan at wayne.edu
Wed Sep 13 22:31:23 EDT 2017

Just to pile on here, there are numerous cases in English as well, although I don't know whether these epenthetic stops are 'regular' or just frequent. But we have inserted 'b's in:

crumble, bumble, bramble, fumble, jumble, tumble, mumble and nimble (source: World Wide Words)

and probably more. 

And, of course, there are the epenthetic voiceless stops in 'Hampstead, hamster, spinster, Springsteen...'. These are non-systematic in that some of them are orthographic, (Hampstead), some are regular but not spelled (I don't think anyone says 'hamster' without a /p/ ), but some are probably variable ('Chomsky', for example). T

here's a small phonological literature on how and whether the fleeting [p] is phonologized or not (I think Bruce Hayes wrote on this but it's too late at night to look it up).


 Geoffrey S. Nathan
 WSU Information Privacy Officer (Retired)
 Emeritus Professor, Linguistics Program
 geoffnathan at wayne.edu
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From: histling-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu <histling-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> on behalf of Alex Francois <alex.francois.cnrs at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 6:08 PM
To: Martha Ratliff
Cc: histling-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: Re: [Histling-l] excrescence by regular rule?

​​dear Martha, dear all,

> I had always thought of excrescence as a sound change that operates on individual words in an unpredictable fashion
I think such processes of epenthesis are often quite  regular, and easily explained.  
In the examples you cite, consonant epenthesis (I haven't heard the term "excrescence") result from a simple rule whereby a nasal consonant is denasalised when it comes  in contact with a non-nasal consonant, e.g. *mr > *mbr;  *nr > *ndr...

Such processes are very regular indeed in Indo-European.  Old French has inherited many forms from Latin which underwent a syncope, resulting in consonant epenthesis  between the consonants now in contact.  Here are a few examples:

Fr. sembler < Lat. *sim(i)lāre    ‘seem’
ensemble < *in-sim(u)l        ‘together’

trembler < *trem(u)lāre        ‘shiver’ 
combler < *cum(u)lāre          ‘fill up’

chambre < *cam(e)ra          ‘room’
nombre < *num(e)rum        ‘number’
Eng. remember < O.Fr. remembrer < Late Lat. *re-mem(o)rāre

cendre < *cin(e)rem        ‘ashes’
tendre < *ten(e)rum      ‘tender,  soft’
pondre < *pōn(e)re       ‘lay  (egg)’
coudre < *cōs(e)re < consuere       ‘sew’  
moudre < mol(e)re        ‘grind’  
poudre < *polre < *pulvere    ‘dust,  powder’ 


(​NB:  after I wrote this, I just realised Matthieu's post, who also cites some examples of Romance.)    

See also Greek 
 ἀνήρ /anēr/ 'man', 
genitive ἀνδρός /andr-os/ < *anr-os
Μεσημβρία /mes-ēmbria/ 'mid-day, South' < *mes-ēmr-ia 
(cf. ἡμέρα *hēméra 'day')
ἄμβροτος /ambrotos/ 'immortal' < *a-mro-to-s < *n̻-mr̻-t-o-s  [cf. Skr अमृत amṛta]
(hence Eng. ambrosia)

Finally, the phenomenon is also known in the Oceanic languages of Vanuatu where I work.  In Malakula (an island with 42  different languages!) it is common to find languages whose phoneme inventories include two prenasalised trills. Phonologically, these are:
 an alveolar trill /ⁿr/
a bilabial trill /ᵐʙ/

Quite expectedly, the phonetic realisation of these two phonemes is respectively [ndr] and [mbʙ].  Try them at home:  I find it difficult  to pronounce sequences /nr/ and /mʙ/ without inserting these transitional sounds.   :-) 


​ _________
Alex François

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On 13 September 2017 at 20:46, Martha Ratliff  <ac6000 at wayne.edu> wrote:

Does anyone know of a reconstruction in which someone has posited a regular change involving insertion of a consonant between two other consonants?  I had always thought of excrescence as a sound change that operates on individual words  in an unpredictable fashion (that is, the low-level transitional consonant is phonologized unpredictably), but am wondering if there are cases where someone believes it to have operated in a regular, rule-governed fashion to an entire set of words.
I am especially interested in insertions of the “thimble”/“hombre” type, but would be interested in examples of the “Hampshire” type as well. 
Many thanks in advance!
Martha Ratliff
histling-l mailing list
histling-l at mailman.yale.edu


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