Fwd: Japan Research Position in Denmark, NIAS
Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow
Mon Dec 1 08:48:11 EST 1997
A cross-post from H-JAPAN that may interest some of you out there:
The Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) wishes to appoint a senior
research fellow to undertake research at the Institute in the field of
Japanese Studies.
The Institute promotes multi-disciplinary research that transcends the
borders between the humanities and the social sciences and is
particularly interested in projects which address issues of cultural
transformation, political change or environmental management.
Appointment is available from 1 June 1998 and the successful candidate
should be able to take up the position by 31 December 1998 at the
latest. Appointment will be for three years in the first instance, with
the possibility of prolongation for a further three years.
The successful candidate will be expected to work and to carry out
his/her research at the Institute in Copenhagen, although provision is
made for research and conference travel to Asia and to other parts of
the world. In addition to carrying out the research project for which
he/she is appointed, the successful candidate will be required to take
part in the planning and organizing of research and other scholarly
activities at the Institute and to contribute to the maintenance and
development of the Institute's Nordic and international contacts.
The basis salary is set according to general agreements between Danish
academic unions and the Danish state; at present it ranges between DKK
23,000 and DKK 27,000 ($3400-4000) per month depending on qualifications
and seniority. Non-residents of Denmark can be eligible for
a tax-free expatriate allowance of DKK 4,000 ($600) per month. The
Institute will make a reasonable contribution to the actual costs of
moving household effects to Copenhagen and, where appropriate, to the
costs of repatriation at the conclusion of the contract.
Applications for this position should contain:
* a research project proposal
* a curriculum vitae including full list of publications
* a single copy of those publications judged by the applicant as
his/her most important (these will be returned by surface mail
at the conclusion of the selection process)
* the names, mail and e-mail addresses, and telephone and fax
numbers of two referees
Closing date for applications is 13 March 1998
Applications should be addressed to the Chairperson of the Board of
NIAS, Leifsgade 33, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark and should be marked
"Japan Research Position".
For further information, please contact the Director of NIAS, Professor
Robert Cribb, phone (+45) 31 54 88 44; fax (+45) 32 96 25 30; e-mail
cribb at nias.ku.dk.
Robert Cribb, ESF Research Professor
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Leifsgade 33, 2300 Copenhagen-S,
tel. (+45) 31 54 88 44; fax (+45) 32 96 25 30
email: cribb at nias.ku.dk
Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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