Opium War
Michael Raine
Fri Dec 12 11:22:05 EST 1997
could you look up a copy of Desser's article for me please? Can you believe
his gall? He's studied a couple of semesters of japanese and relies on
various graduate students to translate bits for him, then he claims the
By the way, I'm going to call you in a few minutes, while I drink lots and
lots, and lots of water...
At 10:04 97/12/12 -0500, you wrote:
>>Janine Hansen asked,
>>>could anybody tell me how to get a copy of AHEN SENSO (Opium War, 1943,
>>>dir. Makino Masahiro)? And has anything been written on this particular
>For a look at AHEN SENSO from a variety of perspectives, please see my
>essay "From the Opium War to the Pacific War: Japanese Propaganda Films
>of World War II" _Film History_ 7, 1 (1995). The essay is centrally about
>AHEN SENSO, the first and only such article in English.
>For my discussion of the film and on Makino Masahiro, I relied on a video
>copy (without subtitles) and I also utilized the special issue on Makino
>that Aaron refers to (below).
>>The film is in the collections of the Tokyo Museum of Modern Art Film
>>Center and the US Library of Congress. Neither, as far as I know, has
>>subtitles. It is not easy to get films from the Film Center, but for a
>>big museum exhibition, that might be possible. The LC copy might also be
>>used, but if I remember, it has reels out of order and needs to be
>>checked before screening.
>>For one piece in Japanese, there is an essay by Hasegawa Akira called
>>"Eiga _Ahen senso_ to goraku seishin" in Cineaste 3 (the Japanese:
>>Shineasuto) (1985): pp. 148-157. Issue 3 is a special issue on Makino
>David Desser,UIUC Cinema Studies
>2109 FLB/707 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801
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