questions concerning film, video and Laser disc sources

Barak D. Kushner bkushner
Tue Nov 18 17:40:00 EST 1997

I write to the KineJapan list in the hopes of finding out information on
where one can rent, (or purchase depending on price) contemporary Japanese
films on 16mm, video or laser disc.  I and another grad student at my
university are putting together a film series on Asian film (Korea, China,
Japan) and wish to break out of the Ozu, Mizoguchi, Kurosawa, Oshima bind
and show more recent Japanese films.  Certainly in the nineties there have
been many excellent Japanese films dealing with Korea-Japan issues over
the war in films such as Asia Blue (correct title?) and Mitabi no Kaikyo.
However, when going through the various film catalogs of companies like
Kit Parker, Facets, New Yorker, etc., only the stock classics seem to be
available for rent.  

I hesitate looking to Japanese companies only for the fact that we need
subtitled films since our film series must appeal to a wide audience - one
that does not necessarily have a command of the languages.

If people wish to email me separately and not clutter the list with their
suggestions they may do so at bkushner at, but I assume this
also may a question many have so perhaps posting on the list would not be
to rude.  

Barak Kushner
History Department
Princeton University

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