New Video Titles released in US

Tod Booth tboot
Sat Apr 25 16:31:45 EDT 1998

Well, Suzuki's Branded To Kill has also just come out on video, also from


>I was just at the video store near me, and was shocked to find two new
>Ichikawa Kon's Kagi (Odd Obsession, 1959, based on the Tanizaki novel)
>Suzuki Seijun's Tokyo nagaremono (Tokyo Drifter, 1966)
>These are released by Janus Films, a division(?) of Home Vision Cinema.
>However, they are not yet even listed on the company's web site
>(  Does anyone know if there are more that
>maybe my video store opted not to obtain?  I'm trying to obtain funding for
>a possible series of New Wave / 1960s films at the PFA in Berkeley this
>summer, and I don't want suggest films that have been already been released
>on video.
>If I don't hear back from anyone by Monday, I'm going to call their 800
>number, and I'll keep everyone posted on what I find.
>Home Vision Cinema
>5547 North Ravenswood Avenue
>Chicago, IL 60640-1199
>phone 800-826-FILM
>fax (312) 878-8406
>David Averbach
>University of California at Berkeley
>Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
>104 Durant
>Berkeley, CA 94720
>FAX: (510) 642-6931
>averbach at

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