self introduction

Max Bliven Max_Bliven
Thu Apr 2 15:51:08 EST 1998

> tell us all your name,
Max Alan Bliven
> where 
>you live, Bend, Oregon USA
>your job/position,I work in the college library as a student assistant
>and attend the college as a English Discourse major
> and your particular interests with regard to 
>Japanese film and moving image media.I have lived in Japan for a year
>when I was in highschool (9 years ago) and am a bit of a Japanophile.
>In fact I'm seriously considering attending a film school in Japan,
>possibly Nihon Diagaku.
>  Feel free to describe recent 
>research projects or publications,I do a zine called Passive Lobotomy
>Press, which I've done for ten years now, and I also did one in Japan
>called "Sugao" (unpainted face) that ran three issues. The content
>nature is aligned to anarcho punk counter culture. I am also enrolled
>in a Prose writing class at school this term, and am assigned to review
>a movie. I chose Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer by Shinya Tsukamoto (I think
>that's his name), but am having no luck finding any info. on the web,
>however I did come across the Kinema homepage via link from the
>instructor's homepage. If anyone on this list would be able to assist
>me in finding out information on Tetsuo 2 or other works by the
>director of that film, or cyberpunk film in Japan in general I would
>greatly appreciate it.
> or comment on favorite Japanese films 
>or recent films you have seen.Well, my favorite films are both Tetsuos,
>I also like a lot of anime like Naushika, Urotsukidoji, Akira, etc.,
>but I also like the work of AKira Kurosawa and Jizo Itami quite a bit.
>The last two Japanese films I saw (not counting Rupan Sansei's Castle
>Castlioga) was Heaven & Earth by somebody whose name I forgot, and
>Iczer One, Volume 2 Act 5, also by animators whose name I've woefully

Anyhow, if anyone knows where I can find info. about the Tetsuo movies,
please fill me in. I'm also interested in the anime news lists anyone
might be on, and I'm also interested in trading japanese films. Oh, I'm
also a big japanese music fan, primarily punk, so if you're into that
too, I'd be happy to trade some audio tapes as well. Please feel free
to write back in Nihongo, cuz I can understand that too, but can only
reply in romaji. OK? OK!


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