Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow
Tue Dec 8 08:37:25 EST 1998
>My name is Udo Helms. I am a Graduate Student of Japanese
>and Communication Studies in Berlin, and currently writing my M.A. thesis.
>Its subject is the self-regulation of the Japanese film industry, i.e.
>Eirin. My two main POVs are the legal limitations to this institution (by
>§175 Penal Code in general, the Custom's Office inspection of imported
>films in particular) and a comparative study of its original (the MPPDA's
>Production Code) and single "sister-organization" (Germany's FSK was also
>based on the American model).
Very interesting topic. I wish I knew German in order to read it. I've
written a lot on censorship in Japan and just taught Eirin and the
taiyozoku scandal in my Meigaku class. Hope you can give us tidbits via
e-mail every once in a while!
Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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