
Charles Shiro Inouye cinouye
Mon Feb 23 19:59:13 EST 1998

Could someone send me the production data -- date, director, length, etc.
-- about the film Kagero-za?  I saw this movie many years ago, since it
was based on the work of Izumi Kyoka, but I didn't take any notes.  Thanks
in advance.

Charles Inouye

New e-mail address. Japanese ready.

Charles Shiro Inouye
Department of German, Russian, and Asian Languages and Literatures
Tufts University
Olin Center, Room 306
Medford, MA  02155 U.S.A.
cinouye at emerald.tufts.edu
TEL (617) 672-5000 x2359
FAX (617) 627-3945

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