Suo's pink eiga

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Fri Jan 9 20:08:44 EST 1998

To continue on this bit of info from Marie,

>His debut pink film titled _Hentai Kazoku Aniki no Yomesan_ was once
>released on VHS from Nikkatsu (\12,000).  I do not know if it is still
>available, or is there any subtitled version of it.  The film originally
>was released from Shin-Toho in 1983.

Waizu Shuppan re-released this film about a year and a half ago on video 
for a low price (about 4 to 5000 yen, if I remember correctly).  It is 
probably still available.

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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