Fukuda Katsuhiko

Aaron Gerow ryuu000
Mon Jan 12 20:15:32 EST 1998

I was saddened to see in the papers that the documentary filmmaker, 
Fukuda Katsuhiko, whom I only just mentioned in a previous post, died 
yesterday (the 12th) of a cerebral hemmorage.  He was 54.

Fukuda joined Ogawa Productions after _Summer in Narita_, starting out as 
a projectionist for their touring shows before becoming an assistant 
director on most of the Sanrizuka films.  He became so committed to the 
Sanrizuka cause that when Ogawa pulled up stakes to go to Yamagata, 
Fukuda stayed to film the farmers around the Narita Airport.  He most 
famous work, _A Grasscutter's Tale_ ("Kusatori soshi"), was a dedicated 
work in 8mm on an old woman farmer.

In recent years, Fukuda has acted the role of educator, teaching at Wako 
University and speaking about filmmaking.  I had the pleasure of 
translating his (always) insightful writings.  Those who attended either 
the Japanese Documentary symposia at the 1995 or 97 Yamagata Film 
Festivals will surely remember is intelligent if not brilliant comments.

Frankly, he was also a very nice guy and I wish I had more of an 
opportunity to know him.

Aaron Gerow

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