(1 of 1) The Hidden Fortress - Re-viewing a hidden gem from Akira (fwd)

Antonio Santos santosa
Thu Jan 22 05:46:05 EST 1998

Dear KineJapan:
Here you have a recent bibliographic reference about The Hidden Fortress.
This year I will publish, in Spanish language, another article about this 
film in the Cuadernos Cinematogr?ficos, University of Valladolid, Spain, 
number 10. 
I hope this information should become useful.
Best regards,
Antonio Santos 

      AUTHOR: Pappas, Ben
       TITLE: The Hidden Fortress - Re-viewing a hidden gem from Akira 
  VOL, ISSUE: Volume 160, Number 14
       PAGES: pp. 111    
        YEAR: 1997
        TYPE: Article
        ISSN: 0015-6914
  J ALT NAME: Forbes magazine

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