Oshima Nagisa

Edward Fowler ebfowler
Tue Jul 28 10:50:57 EDT 1998

The book IS out; I know, because I have a copy in hand.  

_The films of Oshima Nagisa:  Images of a Japanese Iconoclast_.
Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1998.  X + 314 pp.

The book contains illustrations, filmography, and bibliography.  It is a
serious study, well worth the long wait.  

I was favorably disposed to it from the beginning.  The author even got
the name of the director right:  Oshima Nagisa.  Think about it.  I am
tired of hearing about "Akira Kurosawa" or "Yasujiro Ozu" -- or "Nagisa
Oshima."  We do not abuse the names of other East Asians.  Whoever heard
of "Kaige Chen" or Kwon-t'aek Im? 

There, got that off my chest!  

Ted Fowler

On Tue, 28 Jul 1998, Abe-Nornes wrote:

> Note that there is a new book coming out by Maureen Turim this summer. It
> might be available by now. This is a long-awaited project that I started
> hearing about some 5 or 6 years back. Should be interesting.
> Markus

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