Thu Jun 25 20:59:39 EDT 1998
F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y
electronic salon
When I first saw the cinematograph I realised it could offer something new to philosophy. The cinema provides us with an understanding of our own memory. Indeed we could almost say that cinema is a model of consciousness itself. Going to the cinema turns out to be a philosophical experience. Henri Bergson
Film-Philosophy is an email discussion forum and website founded in November 1996.
The purpose of the salon is the informal discussion of film philosophies.
The aim of which is the creation of a discipline from a collision, from a debilitating identity crisis.
Why do we need film philosophies? What can a philosophical viewpoint breath into well-worn debates in film theory? What bred the recent surge of interest in this area? What is film philosophy?
Salon members are also offered the chance to review recent publications. Recently we have published reviews of Stanley Cavell's Contesting Tears, Joseph Anderson's The Reality of Illusion, Allan Casebier's Film and Phenomenology, Noel Carroll's The Philosophy of Horror, Carl Plantinga's Rhetoric and Representation in Nonfiction Film, Carroll's Theorizing the Moving Image, the Iris journal's special edition on Deleuze, Mark Taylor and Esa Saarinens' Imagologies, William Rothman's Documentary Film Classics, Torben Grodal's Moving Pictures, Robert Phillip Kolker and Peter Beiken's The Films of Wim Wenders, Timothy Murray's Drama Trauma, Der Film bei Deleuze/le cinema selon Deleuze edited by Oliver Fahle and Lorenz Engell, William Rothman's The 'I' of the Camera, Amy Lawrence's The Films of Peter Greenaway, Richard Allen's Projecting Illusion, Jean Louis Schefer's The Enigmatic Body, Brian Winston's Technologies of Seeing, Peter Bondanella's The Films of Roberto Rossellini, Aesthetics and Ethics edited by Jerrold Levinson, Philosophy and Film edited by Cynthia Freeland and Thomas Wartenberg, the journal Film and Philosophy, and Ron Burnett's Cultures of Vision.
Currently under review are Gregory Currie's Image and Mind, the journal Film and Philosophy, Heike Klippel's Gedaechtnis und Kino, Ian Jarvie's Philosophy of the Film, Murray Smith's Engaging Characters, Scott McQuire's Crossing the Digital Threshold, D. N. Rodowick's Gilles Deleuze's Time Machine, Sigrid Weigel's Body- and Image-Space, Film Theory and Philosophy edited by Richard Allen and Murray Smith, the Antithesis journal's special edition on Time and Memory, the journal Vertigo, Scott MacDonald's Avant-Garde Film, Deconstruction and the Visual Arts edited by Peter Brunette and David Wills, Patrick McGee's Cinema, Theory, and Political Responsibility in Contemporary Culture, James Peterson's Dreams of Chaos, Visions of Order, Jacques Derrida's Echographies de la television, Fredric Jameson's The Geopolitical Aesthetic, the journal Pix, Paul Virilio's The Vision Machine, Jacques Aumont's The Image, Paul Willemen's Looks and Frictions, Noel Carroll's A Philosophy of Mass Art, the journal Coil, Phil Powrie's French Cinema in the 1980s, the South Atlantic Quarterly journal's special edition on Deleuze, Gilberto Perez's The Material Ghost, Slavoj Zizek's The Sublime Object of Ideology , Adorno and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock) edited by Slavoj Zizek, Paul Virilio's Open Sky, Regis Debray's Media Manifestos, David Bordwell's Making Meaning, Howard Caygill's Walter Benjamin: The Colour of Experience, Celia Lury's Prosthetic Culture, Timothy Murray's Like a Film, Cathryn Vasseleu's Textures of Light, Jean-Clet Martin's L'Image virtuelle, Elliott and Purdy's Architecture and Allegory, Hugo Munsterberg's The Photoplay, Zizek's Plague of Fantasies, the special Deleuzian issue of the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, The Film Spectator edited by Warren Buckland, Guy Debord's Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, Gilles Deleuze's Negotiations, Harvey Roy Greenberg's Screen Memories, Howard Pearce's Human Shadows Br
des Kinos.
Email Salon - more info, and an archive of the discussion list.
Events & Things - including conferences and online organisations.
Film Philosophers - linking to info on writers and filmmakers.
Journals - gathering together periodicals, both online and old fashioned.
Bibliographies - concerning Deleuze, cognitivism and other areas.
Online Writings - containing the salon reviews and some interesting papers.
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