CFV on ""
TKBowman at
Mon May 4 11:42:42 EDT 1998
In case anyone on this mailing list is interested in the creation of a
newsgroup devoted to "world-cinema.".... todd
There is currently a CFV (Call for Votes) in process to create a new Usenet
newsgroup called "" that will be devoted to the
discussion of non-Hollywood films (or foreign films if you live in the United
States). By focusing on the "international" aspect of world-cinema it is hoped
to provide these films with a much-needed discussion space on Usenet.
If you have any interest in a newsgroup devoted to these films I ask that you
please take the small amount of time to get a copy of the CFV (I'm not allowed
to post it or e-mail it) and vote on this proposal. The Vote officially ends
on May 18th and all votes must be received by then.
The CFV can be gotten in either of two ways:
1. Go to the "news.announce.newsgroups" and read the message "CFV:" Instructions for voting are listed near the
bottom of the proposal.
2. Send an e-mail to the authorized vote taker Dave Cornejo at
"dave at" and request a copy of the CFV. Make sure to specify that
you are interested in the "" CFV as he may be
handling multiple newsgroup proposals.
Voting can sometimes be fierce. In order for this newsgroup proposal to pass
it must win by more
than 100 YES votes above the NO votes, as well as 2/3rd majority of the votes
being winning votes.
Please feel free to forward this message to any friends who have an interest
in world-cinema and would like to see the creation of this newsgroup.
Thanks for your time,
Todd Bowman
tkbowman at
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