Fwd: 3-year job (Australia)

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Sun May 17 08:28:27 EDT 1998

This position may interest some of you on KineJapan:


Department of English, University of Newcastle, Australia. Associate
Lecturer in Film Studies (three year fixed-term). The Department offers a
full major in Film Studies, comprising a wide range of courses in film
history, theory, and criticism. Applications are invited from specialists 
all areas of Film Studies, but candidates with interests in one or more of
European, Asian, or Third World cinema are particularly welcome. Required:
PhD or near completion. Desirable: publications, teaching experience.
Salary: AUS$32,902 to $44,651 (compulsory contributory superannuation is a
condition of employment). For further information contact Associate
Professor David Boyd (email eldvb at cc.newcastle.edu.au). General 
about the Department and the University is available on the University
website (www.newcastle.edu.au). An information package including selection
criteria and application form should be obtained from Human Resource
Management Branch, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia (email
burht at admin.newcastle.edu.au) before submitting an application. 
close: 10 June, 1998.

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