Fwd: Unagi in New England

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Fri Oct 16 09:32:49 EDT 1998

An edited crosspost from H-Japan

---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
From: Fairbank Center for East Asian Research <fairbank at fas.harvard.edu>

Harvard University Asia Center

Calendar of Upcoming Asia-Related Events


Friday October 16, call for times

"The Eel" (Unagi): a film by Shohei Imamura. Winner of the Palme d'Or
at the 1997 Cannes International Film Festival. Adapted by the director
<italic>Sparkles in the Darkness</italic>, a novel by Akira Yoshimura

Exclusive Boston Area Premiere

Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard Street, Brookline

Tel. 617-734-2500; Website: http://www.coolidge.org

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