blacks in Japanese films

David Desser d-desser
Sat Oct 31 10:43:07 EST 1998

At 7:41 PM 10/30/98, Maureen Donovan wrote:
>>From hobbs.35 at Fri Oct 30 20:12:30 1998
>Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:54:36 -0500
>From: Ayanna Hobbs <hobbs.35 at>
>Subject: Re: blacks in Japanese films
>Does anyone know of any films where blacks (African-Americans) appear in
>Japanese films or in Japanese literature between 1930's - 1970's?   I think
>there is a Japanese film called, "Who's the guy who sang 'Akai Hankachi'?"

There is the Oshima Nagisa film version of _Shiiku_ (The Catch, 1961) from
the original story by Oe Kenzaburo.  There is also Imai Tadashi's 1959
_Kiku to Isamu_, about mixed-race Japanese/African-American children.

David Desser

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