april story question

Lisa Roosen-Runge lrr at discovery.ca
Tue Sep 15 15:42:04 EDT 1998

Hello --

I was wondering if anyone has seen April Story, by Iwai Shunji, as I
have a question about it.
Within the film we see the protagonist watch a section of what appears
to be an old-fashioned samurai film, it's sepia-toned and full of
scratches. Is this actually an old film, or is it a recreated film?
Unfortunately I have not seen enough older films to recognize it. The
plot seems to be two men have plotted to kill the lord, in order to
install a crony of theirs, but inadvertently they killed their crony who
was impersonating the lord. Then there's a fight in the forest.

If this segment was created for the film, I think it would improve my
opinion of the otherwise quite light film. 

any ideas?
thanks in advance
Lisa in Toronto
Lisa Roosen-Runge
lrr at discovery.ca

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