Fwd: Intersections_ Electronic Journal
Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow
Mon Sep 14 09:55:09 EDT 1998
A cross-post from H-Japan
---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
From: Carolyn Brewer <carolyn at central.murdoch.edu.au>
(crosspost from H-Asia)
Anne-Marie Medcalf and Carolyn Brewer are extremely pleased to announce
the inaugural issue of _Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the
Asian Context_, is up and running on
Intersections is a refereed electronic journal conceived as an interactive
forum for new research and teaching in the area of Gender Studies in the
Asia-Pacific region. It stems from the School of Asian Studies of Murdoch
University in Western Australia.
Placed at the junction of historical and contemporary concerns,
this new e-journal will emphasise the paramount importance of research
into the region's multiple historical and cultural gender patterns. In
this sense the journal is multidisciplinary and crosses cultural and
gender boundaries.
At the same time, Intersections is intended as a means to explore
innovative ways of 'doing' history using new technologies. As such,
Information Technology is not seen as an end in itself, but as a place
where oral, written and visual history can tangibly cross paths allowing
for new connections to be made. Hence, visual materials such as photos,
maps, artistic reproductions as well as video clips or sound tracks will
be included where indispensable to the argument being developed.
CONTENTS of the Inaugural Issue: September, 1998, now on the web:
Refereed Papers
Crossing Gender Boundaries in China: Nushu Narratives
by Anne McLaren
The Language of Liberation; Gender and Jiefang in early CCP
by Harriet Evans
Ethnography and Video: Researching Women in China's Floating
by Tamara Jacka & Josko Petkovic
Mapping China - Considering the Presentation of Statistical and
Cultural Data for Large Readerships
by Stephanie Donald
Review Section
Vera Mackie, Creating Socialist Women in Japan: Gender, Labour
and Activism, 1900-1937
by Sandra Wilson
Hanifa Deen, Broken Bangles
by Maria Degabriele
We are now calling for papers for the second and third issues of
Intersections due for publication in March and September 1999. The second
issue will be dedicated to topics related to the crossing of gendered
boundaries, and the third to gender and colonialism in the context of
Southeast Asia. We will, of course, also consider papers
outside of the main theme for each issue. To allow for the refereeing and
possible revision processes to take place, the respective deadlines are 15
January and 1 June 1999.
Papers should not normally be longer than 5000-6000 words,
and should include an abstract of 100-150 words. We will receive
contributions for consideration via email as an attached file. HTML
formatting specifications are available from the Editors, and are
especially important if images, sound or video are included.
Alternatively, send a floppy computer disk with your paper in Word 6, 7 or
8, or RTF file format. Also send two hardcopies, on one side of A4 only,
Referencing to be Endnote system without the use of op. cit. or
All pages to be numbered, and, to allow for anonymous refereeing, the
name and institution should be typed on a separate sheet and submitted
with the manuscript. The referee process is double blind. As far as
possible all papers will be sent to universities other than Murdoch or
that of the contributor.
Please send contributions to:
The Editors, Intersections
School of Asian Studies
Murdoch University
South Street
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9360 6251
Fax: +61 (0)8 9360 6575
email: Intersections: intrsect at central.murdoch.edu.au
Carolyn Brewer
24 Harfleur Place, Hamilton Hill, WA 6163, Australia
Home Phone (08) 9418 3972
Murdoch Fax (08) 9360 6575
Email carolyn at central.murdoch.edu.au
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