Kinoshita Keisuke

Simone Haerer h0444urj
Fri Sep 18 07:57:25 EDT 1998

On Sun, 13 Sep 1998 Miyabear at wrote:

> The passing of Kurosawa is another sad reminder of how many national treasures
> have been vanishing from the Japanese film world.  A the
> wonderful Kinoshita Keisuke still with us?  (I certainly hope so).
> Michael Singer
> Miyabear at

Dear Mark Singer,

as I am not quite sure how reliable my sources are and because the
information I have is from February, I thought it would be better not to
post them to the list.

I had the chance of dining with some Shochiku business men during the
International Film Festival in Berlin. Being interested in Kinoshita
Kesiuke's work, I asked them what had become of him in the last years. I
was told that he mas a mental disease (either Parkinson or Alzheimer) and
is living in a home for the disabled. 
Not having much information on his life, I asked them if he had ever
married, and was sniggeringly told that he was gay.
I think all of this should be taken with a pinch of salt.
It could be a good idea to introduce myself, or else e-mailing remains too
anonymous for my taste:
I am a student at Humboldt University in Berlin and am particularly
interested in Japanese postwar cinema. My favourite director is, of
course, KK, particularly his film KARUMEN KOKYOU E KAERU. I am planning to
write my MA thesis on NIHON NO HIGEKI and am aiming to graduate in a year
from now.

Simone Haerer

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