
Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Sun Sep 6 18:24:30 EDT 1998

>Kurosawa Akira died of a stroke yesterday night at age 88.

Just to add to this:

He died at 12:45 am on the 6th at his home in Seijo, Setagaya-ku.  The 
funeral will be held on the 13th at 2pm at the Kurosawa Studio 
(Yokohama-shi, Midori-ku, Fujigaoka 3-2-1).

As can be expected, this was front page news.  In fact, this was the top 
story in the Mainichi, which added three pages of other related news 

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
KineJapan list owner
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