
Abe-Nornes amnornes
Mon Apr 5 13:19:40 EDT 1999

"Tojo's Granddaughter Feels 'Pain In My Heart' During Pearl Harbor Visit"

Associated Press Writer

PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (AP) _ More than 57 years after the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor, the granddaughter of the general who ordered the
strike paid her respects to American veterans.

Yuko Tojo bowed her head Tuesday at the large marble wall on the USS
Arizona memorial. The wall lists the names of the 1,177 servicemen who
perished aboard the battleship in the Dec. 7, 1941, surprise attack.

More than 900 sailors were entombed in the sunken vessel.

"I was moved by the names of the victims engraved on the wall. This
    gave me pain in my heart," Tojo, 59, said through her interpreter,
    Isao Ashiba.

Tojo, wearing black and at times clutching the arm of her daughter,
did not watch the 20-minute movie showing footage of the attack that
normally is viewed before taking the short boat ride to the memorial.

Tojo said her visit fulfills a dying wish of her grandfather, Gen.
Hideki Tojo, the Japanese war minister who ordered the attack that
brought the United States into World War II.

In all, 2,388 American soldiers and civilians died that day.

Stanley Igawa, a U.S. veteran of World War II, said there was no
reason for Tojo to visit. "I really want to know what her purpose is
here," Igawa said. "I don't think it's her place to be here."

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