where buy Japanese DVD on the web ?

Randy Man ranman at csf.edu
Mon Aug 16 18:49:43 EDT 1999


Both Amazon.com and Ken Crane's Laserdisc/DVD sell every Japanese language
feature currently available on DVD at 30% off list price. They both have
very useful online catalogues that include announcements of forthcoming
titles. Fox Lorber's DVD of Kurosawa's RAN is spectacular. It's never looked
so good. Not all of Criterion's Japanese films have yet made the transition
from laserdisc to DVD, and it's not a foregone conclusion that they will.
Image is also getting into the act with all three parts of Kobayashi's THE
HUMAN CONDITION for $25 each list. The largest Japanese collections on video
are still probably those of New Yorker and Homevision and are VHS only for
the forseeable future. I don't know about World Artists or Kino or
Milestone. Dennis, are you reading this?

Randolph Man
Moving Image Arts
College of Santa Fe
e-mail ranman at csf.edu

----- Original Message -----
From: Mario Desiderio <mandm at flashnet.it>
To: KineJapan list <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 1999 6:46 AM
Subject: where buy Japanese DVD on the web ?

> Hello,
> I tried many major dvd selling websites ( dvdboxoffice, dvdexpress ) but
> the only Japanese movies, or any movies but with Japanese audio or
> subtitles that they have are anime or documentaries.
> Please give me some web sites in which I may find movies.
> Tell, where have you bought them and what titles have you bought.
> Thanks a lot,
> Mario Desiderio

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