Shirley Yamaguchi
Stephanie Deboer
Thu Aug 12 19:34:29 EDT 1999
There will also be a chapter on Shirley Yamaguchi (Li Xianglan) by Shelley
Stephenson in the forthcoming *Cinema and Urban Culture in Shanghai:
1922-1943* (edited by Yingjin Zhang--it was supposed to be available last
month, so should be out soon). I read through the chapter a while ago,
but as I recall, it talks about Yamaguchi's ambiguous (I think she even
used the word "empty") star persona, as presented in the occupied
Shanghai press (sympathetic to Japan) and within the "Greater East Asia
Film Sphere" in the early 1940s. I also think it relies on Chinese primary
sources, so it could be an interesting comparison against Japanese
articles, as well as articles that focus on her presence/persona on the
other side of the Pacific.
Also, please don't quote me on this, but in a (*very brief*) discussion
with Poshek Fu a while ago, he seemed not too convinced that
Yamaguchi's/Li's star persona in occupied Shanghai was actially received
in as ambiguous a manner as Stephenson might suggest (though Stephenson's
chapter seemed fairly convincing to me). If you are interested in this
question, you might want to check out his book...the title of which
escapes me at the moment (sorry!). He might have something to say about
Yamaguchi in it.
good luck,
Stephanie DeBoer
(and thanks, Lori, for the reminder about my conversation with Poshek
Fu--not Leo Lee :)--I'd forgotten all about it!)
On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Lori Hitchcock wrote:
> In Japanese, her book "Watashi no hansei" (?I think?) and "Senso to heiwa
> to uta: Ri Ko-ran kokoro no michi," as well as "Jidai ni tsutaetai
> koto" are available; also, a 1991 Mainichi Gurafu (Graph) publication
> devoted to her exists, with terrific photos and interviews (this is hard
> to find, however); you can also check out Tsuji Hisakazu's book "Chuka
> den'ei shiwa" and Yamaguchi Takeshi's "Man'ei: Maboroshi no kinema."
> In English, I've heard that Leo Lee has disputed some of Silverberg's
> conclusions (?but I'm not sure about this - Stephanie, do you remember?).
> Best, Lori Hitchcock
> On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Jonathan Crow wrote:
> >
> > Hi all. Does anyone know of any articles, books and/or documentaries on
> > Shirley (Yoshiko) Yamaguchi? I read one article by Miriam Silverberg (I
> > think) a while ago. Any information would be very helpful.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Jonathan Crow
> >
> >
> >
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