Buta award

Aaron Gerow gerow
Mon Aug 16 23:42:24 EDT 1999

The papers announced that Sai Yoichi's _Buta no mukui_ was awarded the 
Don Quixote Prize by the Jury of the International Federation of Cine 
Clubs at the Locarno Film Festival.

The announcement, taken from the festival site, is as follows (without 


                 Le Jury de la Federation Internationale des Cine Clubs 
(FICC), compose de Alain Carou (France),
                 Jan Kastner (Republique tcheque), Magnus Leijer (Suede), 
Brain Mac Call (Suisse) et Martha Otte
                 (Norvege), attribue le Prix Don Quijote au film 

                 BUTA NO MUKUI (The Pig's Retribution), de Sai Yohichi 
                 recit epuure ou se decouvre progressivement une 
dimension secrete: la presence cachee de la mort
                 dans la vie. Le Jury a beaucoup apprecie l'humour, la 
simplicite de dialogue et l'economie du
                 langage cinematographique. 

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