
Roger Fischer roger.fischer at active.ch
Mon Dec 6 04:42:24 EST 1999

Sounds very interesting. When should this book come out? Can you tell us
more about it?
Best regards
>Duke anthropologist Anne Allison is currently in Japan on a Fulbright to do
>the research for a book on toy culture and the globalization of play. At a
>recent compa she presented her work on Pokemon, and while it is still in the
>early stages it looks quite promising. It sounds like this will probably be
>one chapter in a more expansive study.

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'Culture in South Africa is a necessary ingredient of democratic
transformation - it must have full participation as a site of exchange of
ideas between people. Debate is a sign of life ... Art is not a pure
phenomenon but a language that challenges and complicates our relationship
with the world' 

Okwui Enwezor, artistic director of the Second Johannesburg Biennale, 1997

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