introductory texts for Japanese film

Lewis Cook lcoqc
Tue Jan 12 20:47:15 EST 1999

Dear Listmembers:

  I am looking for an accessible, non-technical introduction to
Japanese cinema for use as the textbook in an elementary survey course
for college students. Must be something available in paperback.

  The following three titles, among those listed in various on-line
bibliographies, appear to be the likeliest candidates. I'd appreciate
comments from anyone who is familiar with these or who has other
suggestions. Also curious about whether the first title below is an
update or revision of the old Anderson & Richie book.

_The Japanese Film: Art & Industry_  Anderson & Richie, Princeton U.P.

_Japanese Cinema: an Introduction_  Donald Richie, Oxford U.P.

_Reframing Japanese Cinema_  A. Nolletti & D. Desser, Indiana U.P.

  Many thanks in advance.

  Lewis Cook
  Queens College, C.U.N.Y.
  New  York, NY

  If you prefer to reply off-list:  lewis_cook at  or
lcoqc at though I imagine others on the list might be

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