
Alexander graf alexander.graf
Fri Jan 22 16:46:14 EST 1999

My name is Alexander Graf (Alex) and I'd like to introduce myself in the
traditional way as a new subscriber to Kinema Club. 

I'm of German origin, a British citizen, but have chosen to spend the
last two years in Berlin to complete my thesis on the German director
Wim Wenders, who lives here. I hope to be finished by the end of March.
I've also published work both on Wenders and on the Italian Michelangelo
Antonioni in both English and German. My present research is on Oriental
musicals with particular emphasis on Japanese productions of the 1950's
and 1960's. I've just accepted this unenviable offer, and hope to find
some productions from the period that reflect the aesthetics of the
classical American "song and dance" musical of the day, but oriental...
I guess my first contribution to this list therefore has to be a
question: Are there any? It's difficult to find material on Japanese
cinema that makes reference to any such films: the only lead I have is
from a kind young man in Vancouver, who suggested "Tokyo Kid" (1950)
featuring the singer Misora Hibari.


I'm sure there's more to be found out, but the owner of that page,
though he/she seems enthusiastic, is rather elusive. 

Can anyone in the group recommend other material? Any information would
be most welcome as I'm pretty empty-handed at this stage. 

Thanks for your help,


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