Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow
Tue Jul 20 02:55:00 EDT 1999
This is an issue that touches not only on televisual culture, but also on
the nature of personality in modern Japanese culture, but what do people
think of the hubbub over Nomura Sachio? The whole thing, which started
over complaints that Nomura Sachio, the wife of the Hanshin Tigers
manager and a "jukujo" (mature woman) talento in her own right, was rude,
not paying back debts, and fond of borrowing things without giving them
back, has utterly dominated the wide shows and the weekly magazines for
over three and a half months and has progressed, with accusations that
she falsified her educational credentials when she ran for the Diet a few
years ago, into a criminal investigation and a debate in the Diet.
True, there may be some "truth" behind all the accusations, but factual
reality does little to explain how the topic has completely dominated the
media for such a long time, escalating into what some fear is a witchhunt
or at least a coordinated and violent (in the sense that the TV camera is
always violent) attack on an individual person. I have read articles in
the paper speculating that the fact the Satchi affair has dominated the
media just as the Diet is dealing with legislation that significantly
changes postwar Japanese society such as the guidelines law, the flag and
national anthem designation, etc., with little media attention is not a
coincidence. Even if we don't accept such conspiracy theories, why is
the media so interested in this topic at this time? Why are viewers?
How is the Satchi affair functioning ideologically in contemporary media
Clearly some of it has to do with the circulation of personality within
the mass media. The media destruction of Nomura Sachio, who herself was
purely a creation of the media (with no "talent" per se), is proof of the
power of the media, as well as indication that the content of mass media
is merely a circulation of signs that only refer to one another and not
to any "reality" (the "news" reported is only the "news subjects" the
media itself creates and makes important). But there is obviously a lot
of other things going on involving the definition of motherhood (Satchi
came to fame as a hardnosed older woman who told off the younger
generation), wifehood (why isn't her husband getting dragged down in this
affair?), "normal" behavior, privacy, media violence, voyeurism, etc.
Any thoughts?
Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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