Japanese movie DVD w english subtitles ?

Randy Man ranman at csf.edu
Thu Jun 10 19:00:02 EDT 1999

Lots of luck! The only Japanese films already on DVD or announced for it are
those held by Criterion (the Janus Films Collection). No other video company
with significant Japanese collections, such as New Yorker or Homevision, has
shown any signs of moving beyond VHS tape. An exception to this may prove to
be Image Entertainment, which is bringing out DVD editions of Kobayashi's
3-part "The Human Condition" this summer. They will be a real bargain at
$20.99 each (from Amazon.com or Ken Crane's) vs. $59.95 each on VHS from
Facets.I imagine the question of whether many more Japanese films are to
come out on DVD will depend on how well these sell. The video business
doesn't seem to regard the market for DVDs, unlike that for laserdiscs, as
one that includes Japanese film buffs.

Randolph Man
Moving Image Arts
The College of Santa Fe
Santa Fe NM 87505
e-mail: ranman at csf.edu

----- Original Message -----
From: Mario Desiderio <mandm at flashnet.it>
To: KineJapan list <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 3:01 PM
Subject: Japanese movie DVD w english subtitles ?

> Hello,
> Could you tell titles of Japanese movies on DVD with Japanese audio or
> both Japanese and English audio but at least with English subtitles.
> Please give some titles and please also palces from where I can buy
> them. If possible web sites.
> Thank you very much,
> Mario Desiderio

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