Two job postings

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Tue Jun 29 10:27:54 EDT 1999

Non-Western Literature/Culture.  Starting date: Fall 1999. Year long
contract. Specialization in the teaching of non-western literature and
culture, with special interest in Japanese
literature & culture and in post-colonial and western modernist and
post-modernist literature. Performing experience, knowledge and
appreciation of the performing arts of value. To teach two sections per
semester of the final year long, two semester segment of a Core humanities
program for performing arts majors. This sequence focuses in its first
semester (Alternatives to the West: Studies in Cultural Difference) on
Non-Western cultural traditions through study of literature & film; in its
second semester (Sources of Contemporary Thought: Conflicts and Critiques)
on shaping influences on contemporary culture through study of selected
modernist, post-colonialist, and post-modern texts. Salary: $2,500.00 per
section per semester: $10,000.00 for the two sections of the year long
sequence. Prefer Ph.D. Range of teaching experience, flexibility with
non-traditional students essential. Applications accepted to August 15,
1999. Contact: Judson Evans, Chair, Liberal Arts, The Boston Conservatory,
8 The Fenway, Boston, Massachusetts 02215.

WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY wishes to announce two new positions in Film Studies 
begin in 2000-2001.  Both are tenure-track positions which require a Ph.D.
in Film Studies.  The first hire will be for an experienced Assistant or
Associate Professor with up to five years of teaching experience, and a
strong scholarly record.  The second is an entry-level position, requiring
evidence of scholarly promise and excellent teaching ability.  These
positions should reflect one or more of the following areas of specialty:
history of cinema and television, genre studies, directorial studies,
theory, women's studies, history of technology and business, TV studies,
formalism, international cinemas, documentary, and minority studies.  Both
candidates must also have knowledge of basic
production techniques, as Wesleyan's program is solidly grounded in the
wedding of theory and practice, but there is no requirement for teaching
production as a part of either position.  Strong consideration will be
given to the teaching records of the candidates, willingness to 
in the further expansion of a burgeoning program, and scholarship.  The
searches will open as of July 1, 1999, and may extend for eighteen
months or until both positions are filled.  Please submit CV's and writing
samples to Jeanine Basinger, Chair, Film Studies Program, c/o Wesleyan
Cinema Archives, 301 Washington Terrace, Wesleyan University, Middletown,
CT  06459. AA/EOE

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