Sony takeover of Columbia pictures late '80s

Lindsey Ricker lindsey.ricker
Thu Mar 25 21:27:15 EST 1999

Hi Everyone,
	I'm doing research on the Sony takevoer of Columbia pictures and
looking for sources. I'm especially interested in the social dimension
(American movies as cultural capital and national identity, how that has
changed or not under Japanese ownership).
	Do you know anything about how Japense ownership hos affected
Columbia productions? Has the managing changed? It seemed like there was a
brief flurry about this in the late '80s, but I've had a really hard time
finding more retrospective sources and information that's more reflective
than newspaper clippings (although I'd be interested in editorials)
	Please let me know any sources you would reccomend, or any
thoughts you have on the matter. English or Japanese sources are fine. 
	Thanks! :) Lindsey 

Mailing address until April 8:
Lindsey Ricker c/o
Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies [KCJS]
52-2 Hoshoji-cho, Okazaki
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

phone (right): 81-75-752-7074
fax: (81) 75-752-1158
        Please write!

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