Film scenarios

Li Hoo Cheong lbhcli at
Tue May 25 21:31:23 EDT 1999

The earliest volume of this scenario annual dates back to 1952
as far as I know.  Before that, there is a volume entitled 
<Sengo daihyo shinario-shu> for 1945-51 published in 1955 by
Mikasa Shobo which also published the volumes from 1952-57.
Daviddosha is the publisher for the volumes in 1958-87, and
Eijinsha takes over from 1988.  Yaguchi Shoten, which
publishes the index to Japanese scenarios, used to have a
complete set up to the mid 80s on display for sale.

H. C. Li

>Thank you to B. Dunn for the site addresses about Bounce Kogals.  As
>regards Nenkan Daihyou Shenario Shuu, it appears to be published each year
>though I don't know how far it goes back.  I ordered it from a large
>Japanese bookshop, and I'm going to enquire about back copies when I get
>the opportunity.
>John Dougill

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