naomi kawase

Joss Winn edq39077
Tue May 11 20:18:08 EDT 1999

A contact number I have for Kawase Naomi (I think she changed her name
after getting married)is:

Office Sento
Tel: 03-5718-3423
Fax: 03-5718-3424

Let me know what your programme ends up being.  I'm always interested in
the experimental....

Joss Winn

Eiga Arts
1217 Shinden, Kubota-cho, Saga-gun, Saga-ken, 849-0203, Japan.

Tel. (81)-(0)-(952)68-4722	<edq39077 at>
Fax. (81)-(0)-(952)68-2989
Mobile. 090-7165-9998

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