Film subtitle translation (X-post)

Peter Durfee durfee
Wed May 26 03:42:33 EDT 1999

This is a cross-post from the Honyaku (J-E, E-J translation issues) mailing
list. Please send any relevant information to Richard Markley
<rmark at PSNW.COM> as well as to this list. Thanks!


>Date:         Wed, 26 May 1999 00:18:19 -0700
>From: Richard Markley <rmark at PSNW.COM>
>Subject:      Film subtitle translation
>	A friend of mine wants to find out about translating Japanese film
>into English subtitles & would like to know if there's any literature
>available on the subject.  I've never worked in this area, but I know that
>some of the members of this list have, so I'd appreciate it if you could
>point me to any books or mag. articles, etc. that deal with this.  Here's
>some of what she'd like to know:
>> My interests in this are especially
>> sociolinguistic aspects--e.g., how male-female differences in speech
>> (if any) are translated or even created, how regional dialects are
>> dealt with, how formality levels (honorifics, plain forms, etc.) are
>> dealt with, etc.  Do you know any literature on this kind of thing?
>	Any suggestions appreciated.  TIA.
>-Richard in Fresburg, CA

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