hello and question

Michael Dancsok dunchoke
Wed Nov 24 02:21:09 EST 1999

Hello everybody:

I am new to this list so I want to give a brief introduction before I bother 
you with my first request. My name is Michael Dancsok. Last year I finished 
an MA in Media Studies at Concordia University in Montreal. The title of my 
thesis was "Transcending the Documentary: the Films of Arthur Lipsett". 
Following my defense Yuko and I moved back to Japan. We are here for a while 
so I would like to continue doing research in cinema. I have just begun 
gathering information about the work of film director Terayama Shuji. 
Although I have found quite a bit of information about his life and films in 
Japanese, there seems to have been very little research done in any of the 
European languages. People from another discussion group have directed me to 
articles written in the early to mid-seventies. I'm hoping that someone on 
this list could refer me to more recent articles, puplications, etc. in 
English or French. I think to understand the current trends in independent 
Japanese filmmaking one has to have a firm understanding of Terayama's 
contribution to contemporary art in Japan. Any help would be appreciated. 

Michael Dancsok

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