japanese to english translator needed!

Julie Koo julie at kaya.com
Wed Oct 27 12:24:23 EDT 1999

A note from Kaya's editor, Sunyoung Lee. You can respond to me
(julie at kaya.com) or, better yet, directly to her at sunyoung at kaya.com.


dear list members:

i am wondering if there is anyone out there who either is, or could
recommend a reliable and skilled translator who would be interested in
working on a book about the films of takeshi kitano to be published by kaya
next spring. we are worried about meeting our deadlines for the book (we
want it out asap in order to coincide with the spring release of kitano's
latest film in the u.s.), and are thinking about hiring a second translator
for the project to make that possible. two things to keep in mind: the
translation (approximately half of the book plus some supplementary
materials -- about 125 pages) needs to be done by the end of december, and
we can only afford to pay $1500 for the whole job. on the plus side, it
will be a chance to work on a worthwhile project, and of course full credit
for your portion ofthe translation will be given. at any rate, any
suggestions, leads, etc. would be very much appreciated. thanks so much.
sunyoung lee

* Julie Koo, Managing Editor  julie at kaya.com      *
* Kaya                        212-343-9503        *
* 373 Broadway #E2            212-343-8291 fax    *
* New York, NY 10013          http://www.kaya.com *
*                                                 *
*        Kaya is a publisher of innovative        *
*       Asian and Asian diasporic literature.     *
*                                                 *
*     Trade distribution by DAP 800-338-BOOK.     *

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