japanese to english translator needed!
tim.iles at utoronto.ca
tim.iles at utoronto.ca
Fri Oct 29 19:39:30 EDT 1999
Professor Fowler's comments raise an interesting point (their apparent
vindictiveness aside): while skilled and reliable translators are worth
more than their weight in gold, there is much, much material deserving of
translation which is very unlikely to receive due attention in these days
of tight university-press budgets, and an increasingly "consumer market"
driven publishing industry. At what point can a worthwhile project be
defended on those terms alone, without consideration of its potential for
a healthy "return on investment"? While Kitano may be a "controversial"
figure--albeit a popular one--there are many other film makers whose work
and histories are being overlooked, because publishers cannot (or will
not) justify the expense based on the size of the market available...
Frankly, I think this situation is _insane_, but I'm at a loss as to what
_I_, personally, can do to counter it...
Timothy Iles
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