
Michael Raine mraine
Fri Oct 1 15:06:24 EDT 1999

I agree with Aaron's last suggestion. Dynamic web pages make much more sense
for this kind of web content. If the material is in a database, the browser
could present a list of films (as well as a search page), then a page giving
credits and a list of available reviews (assuming more than one person has
written about the same film). We could still distinguish who wrote which
review of course (perhaps a picture of Aaron's "cheesy grin" in the top left


----- Original Message -----
From: Aaron Gerow <gerow at>
To: KineJapan <KineJapan at>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: Reviews

> >Just a small suggestion - from the above, it seems that the structure of
> >the page
> >will lead the reader to reviews according to their author (Aaron, Mark,
> >other).
> >Wouldn't it be more meaningful to structurize the review-section by
> >film-titles
> >(which would of course raise the issue of which version of title to
> >...)?
> >After all, the focus is on films, and not on authors (one hopes).
> That option should be available, but there are several reasons the
> sections should be kept separate.  First, by my agreement with the Daily
> Yomiuri to put my reviews on the web, I have to acknowledge them, and
> that is easier if all my reviews are together.  Second, I assume the
> formats will be different: I, for instance, always include cast and
> credits and hypertext links to other reviews (old reviews have links to
> the IMDB).  If Mark, for instance, does not use the same format, users
> may wonder, "Why do some Kinema Club reviews give credits and others do
> not?"  Keeping the sites separate will help explain these differences, as
> well as give each review author the liberty to design his or her site the
> way he or she wants to.
> Ideally, we should set up a way for people to search through all the
> reviews.  Perhaps an in-site search engine would be best?
> Aaron

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